The Mission of New Horizon Presbyterian Church is to strive to know Christ and share God’s Love by doing the following:

In January, people were invited to submit a devotion or story about Lent or Easter. The Lenten Devotional Booklet was published and distributed in time for Lent. The booklet was well received, so another is planned for the coming year.

During Lent, we take up the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering which is received on Palm Sunday. This offering enables us to share God’s love with our neighbors in need around the world. Our donations help with:

  • 32% to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
  • 36% to Presbyterian Hunger Program
  • 35% to Self-Development of People

We also collect items for Easter Baskets for a cottage at Children’s Square.
The Pentecost Special Offering is taken up during May and is dedicated on Pentecost Sunday:

  • 40% of this offering helps develop and support programs for young people in our own church and community
  • 25% helps young adult volunteers grow as leaders and serve in communities around the world
  • 25% helps guide and inspire youth as they walk with Christ, including through this year’s Presbyterian Youth Triennium
  • 10% provides advocacy and education to protect and nurture our children and youth

For the last 2 years, the Mission Committee partnered with Vacation Bible School for their offering. This year, we ordered Bibles through Operation Kid-to-Kid (5 Bibles/$12) and chickens (1 rooster + 4 hens/$25) through the Presbyterian Giving Catalog. Links of Love were placed around the sanctuary with 1 link equaling $1 given to the VBS offering. The sanctuary was very colorful with 502 links around the perimeter! That’s 105 Bibles for spiritual food and 10 families of chickens for physical nurture!

During August, we collect dignity items (packages of new socks, undies, sweat pants, and tees for boys and girls sized for Kindergarten-5th graders) for Bloomer, College View, Franklin, and Kreft schools so that there will be a change of clothes if any child needs one.

In November, funds are collected for gift cards ($60 each) for families in need for Thanksgiving dinner. Also in November and December, we ask everyone to bring food and clothing items for Care & Share and food for the Gethsemane pantry. 50% of the funds collected for the Christmas Joy Offering goes to the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions (helping retired pastors and missionaries). The other 50% goes to leadership development and education at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. Members are given the opportunity to fulfill a child’s wish list at New Visions Homeless Services. And we also have a mitten tree to provide gloves, mittens, and hats for area elementary school students.

Members of the Mission Committee are:

Beverly Melchor-Young
Sharon Bemis
John Gibson
Nora-Mae Gibson
Mary Thomsen
David Young